In 2014 I traveled to Germany and spent 10 days walking the paths and visiting the sites that mark the life and the accomplishements of Martin Luther. This trip was followed by two years of reading and research. The result is a presentation of photos, graphics and personal reflections. From the day Luther took his monk's vows in 1505 to his death in 1546, story of the Reformation and the transformation of Western History comes to life.
Since October of 2016 I have been presenting A Layman's Guide in Lutheran Churches in Pennylvania, New Jersey and Maryland. For more information visit my Luther 500 website. Typical Audience Responses: "I learned more about Martin Luther in one hour than I did in the past 50 years." Advent Lutheran Church, Harleysville, PA 'Your humor and comparison to modern times was appreciated and enjoyed." Lutheran Church of our Saviour, Haddonfield, NJ "So much learned - super presentation!" Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Bel Air, MD
Martin Luther is buried in Die Schlosskirche. the Castle Church, in Wittenberg.